Individual Therapy

I offer individual therapy for clients who are struggling with various concerns including anxiety, depression, relationships, trauma, job/career stress, and feeling “stuck.” In our sessions we can work together to:

  • figure out what is truly important to you and how to prioritize your own needs

  • identify practical coping skills

  • create and implement healthy boundaries in relationships and work

  • learn how to be kinder to yourself

  • observe patterns in your behaviors and thoughts, and understand how they help or how they hurt

  • release unnecessary guilt

  • communicate with people in a way that feels authentic and empowering

  • gain new perspective 

  • discover your strength to cope with uncertainty

  • explore your early relationships and how they impact your life now

  • determine self-care that works best for you

  • find the confidence to have deeper connections in your relationships

  • learn to trust yourself

  • Anxiety can have an immense impact on every aspect of one's life. Anxiety is more than just a passing feeling of worry; it can be overwhelming and all-consuming, triggering the body's natural responses of fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. In the face of anxiety, individuals might find themselves caught in a constant battle within their minds, feeling the urge to confront the source of their distress, escape from it, feel paralyzed by it, or appease others to avoid conflict. These responses, while originally designed to protect us, can become disruptive when they are triggered excessively or inappropriately. Anxiety can feel like incessant, relentless brain chatter, constantly spiraling into worst-case scenarios, keeping you from a sense of inner peace and clarity. It can infiltrate relationships, work, and overall well-being, leading to a cycle of fear and avoidance. I can help you understand your anxiety responses, with tools and strategies to manage them effectively. Therapy is a safe space where you can explore the roots of your anxiety, develop coping mechanisms, and regain control over your life.

  • Depression is more than just feeling sad; it's like an invisible weight pressing down on one's emotions, making every day feel like a struggle. Depression often leaves individuals feeling silenced, trapped within their own minds, unable to express the depth of their pain. Therapy is a safe place where your emotions can finally find a voice. I encourage the exploration and expression of your feelings, allowing them to surface, be acknowledged, and understood. It is in the process of expression that healing begins - learning how to be with these emotions, accepting them without judgment, and ultimately, soothing the pain they carry. I provide a supportive environment where you can unburden yourself, gain insights into your emotions, and develop coping strategies. Together, we work towards lifting the weight of depression, helping you rediscover hope, resilience, and a renewed sense of self.

  • Developmental trauma, also known as complex developmental trauma or early relational trauma, is a type of trauma that occurs during a person's early development, often during childhood or adolescence. It often stems from ongoing or repetitive adverse experiences within primary caregiving relationships, and can have long-lasting effects on emotional and psychological well-being. Examples of developmental trauma include:

    -emotional neglect in which there is a persistent lack of emotional support from caregivers

    -growing up in an environment where one’s emotions, thoughts, or experiences are consistently invalidated, dismissed, or ridiculed

    -a chaotic or unpredictable family environment

    -parental mental health issues, leading to inconsistent caregiving and emotional support

    -experiencing consistent rejection or criticism from caregivers

    -sudden or prolonged separation from a primary caregiver through death, divorce, or abandonment

    -bullying and peer rejection

    These experiences can lead to feelings of unworthiness, emotional emptiness, loneliness, deep seated fears of rejection and abandonment, hindering the development of a positive and realistic view of oneself.  This pain brings about a variety of responses, including hypervigilance, dissociation, emotional dysregulation, and challenges in forming and maintaining relationships. Healing from complex trauma requires a compassionate and individualized approach, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying wounds and responses. I am here to provide a safe and nurturing space, guiding you through the journey of healing. With evidence-based therapies, empathy, and unwavering support, I help individuals understand and navigate their trauma responses, reclaim their lives, rebuild their sense of self, and cultivate resilience.

  • We all have different parts to our personality- you might have a part that worries, a part that works hard to please others, a part that criticizes you. The Internal Family Systems - IFS - model understands the mind as having multiple parts. At times we lead from these parts which can be troublesome. At our core, we also have a wise and grounded Self that can and should lead our internal system with clarity.

    The IFS approach allows you to take a look inside of yourself and get to know your different parts, understanding how and why they have taken a role to protect you. You relate to your parts in a healing way, and restore balance in your internal system. When our inner parts and Self work together we experience healing in our inner world and in our outside world/relationships.

    Every person has the inner resources they need to be able to heal and lead their lives from a place of confidence, calm, compassion, and curiosity.

Phone Consultations

I offer a free 15 minute phone consultation for prospective clients, prior to scheduling an appointment. During the phone call I can get a sense about what you are experiencing, and you can learn more about my practice.


I am an out-of-network provider. Most clients have a portion of their therapy expenses reimbursed by insurance through out-of-network benefits. To see if this is an option for you, I recommend contacting your insurance provider directly at the phone number listed on the back of your card.

The following questions may be helpful in understanding your benefits:

  • Do I have out-of-network mental health benefits?

  • What is my deductible amount and has it been met this year?

  • How much does my plan cover for mental health services provided by an out-of-network provider?

I provide statements for my clients to submit for reimbursement.